Τhe Reproductive Gynecologists of Eugonia, Tryfon and George Lainas, attended at November 8th , a three day symposium, which was held at Heraklion, Crete with the topic «From implantation to early pregnancy». Dr George Lainas, at 9th of November also had a presentation on «Optimize FSH &LH in IVF protocols».
The symposium was organized by the SSRHR (Scientific Society of Research in Human Reproduction) and the Meeting Chairman was Dr. Makrigiannakis.
The main topics, of the event were Andrology, Endometriosis – Adenomyosis, Endometrium, Fertility Preservation, HPV and Infertility, Laparoscopy, Oral Contraceptives, Ovarian Stimulation, PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome), Repeated Implantation Failure, Reproductive Surgery, Early Pregnancy Loss.