Embryo Cryopreservation in Greece
During an IVF cycle it is very common to create a high number of embryos, but only the one or two best of those will usually be transferred. Since the evolution in culture media and culture conditions, especially to the blastocyst stage, we can promote the development of many good quality embryos. In combination with the new method of vitrification, these supernumerary embryos can be cryopreserved and stored, until used in a subsequent cycle.
In Eugonia we offer a successful cryopreservation program with embryos being vitrified usually at the blastocyst stage. Their survival following warming is impressive and exceeds 90%, while pregnancy rates are also high and similar to those of fresh embryos.
The cryopreserved embryos are stored in liquid nitrogen filled tanks (-196oC) under strictly controlled conditions in the specialized Cryopreservation Bank in our clinic, which is licensed by the Greek National Authority of Assisted Reproduction.