Medication is administered either in the female or the male partner in order to treat cases of infertility
For the woman: Medication that is administered to control ovulation, correct hyperprolactinaemia etc., is mentioned in further detail in the associated sections.
For the man: According to international bibliography, no statistically significant improvements have been noticed in the semen quality following medication. The only exception, are cases of hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism, where remarkable improvement is noted following drug administration, which involves a combination of pituitary gonadotrophins (Puregon-Gonal F-Alternon) and chorionic gonadotrophins (Pregnyl-Ovitrelle), or in addition, anti-oestrogens such as tamoxifen, clomiphene (Nolvadex, Clomiphene citrate), androgens aromatase inhibitors etc. The treatment has duration of 3 months and improvement is confirmed with a semen analysis and checking of hormonal parameters.
In conclusion, since the discovery of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) in 1992, the suggested treatment for male subfertility practically involves evaluation of the semen sample and its classification as suitable for: sexual intercourse, intrauterine insemination, in vitro fertilization (IVF) or ICSI.