

Requirements for egg and embryo donation

Under the current Greek legal framework, a program for egg and embryo donation applies under certain conditions:

Safeguarding the recipients' health
Oocyte and embryo donors must undergo a series of clinical and laboratory tests to ensure that no infections will be transmitted to the recipients. All couples that join the IVF program at Eugonia IVF undergo these same checks.

Donation Anonymity
According to the Greek legislation, egg donation refers to the disposal of the retrieved eggs, after the donor's written consent, for use by one or more recipients. In particular, according to Law 4958/2022-FEK142/A/21-7-2022, the identity of the donors, at the choice of these people, can be anonymous, named or disclosed to the resulting offspring after they reach adulthood, upon request. Additionally, recipients can choose whether they want an anonymous or named donor. Donation of reproductive material between relatives is allowed under certain conditions. Finally, the identity of the offspring, as well as its parents (the recipients), is not disclosed to third party donors of gametes of fertilized eggs. According to the current legislation, it is mandatory to keep track of and register all data concerning donors and recipients in the National Donor Registry of the National Authority of Medically Assisted Reproduction, to ensure traceability of the reproductive material.

According to the Greek legislation, the egg donor must be 18 – 35 years old, while the embryo donor must have not exceeded the age of 40.

It is prohibited to provide eggs or embryos in exchange for any kind of compensation to the donor.

Ethical side of the donation
Donations, when they are carried out, are driven by necessity, with the "sacred purpose" of the joy of procreation. We believe that before a couple decide to donate or receive donated eggs or embryos, they must give written informed consent. This is why we provide all relevant information from our very first meeting with the prospective donors and recipients. We believe it is our duty to give you all the time you need to assess all relevant information, discuss among yourselves and decide freely and responsibly. Egg and embryo donation is the highest expression of solidarity towards another couple facing the same problem: infertility. Your decision to donate eggs / embryos will by no means affect the course of your treatment.

Consent of donors and recipients
We follow a strict policy regarding consents. We consider it inconceivable to donate eggs or embryos without the written informed consent of all four parties involved: donors are asked to sign a specific consent form authorizing the clinical team to proceed with the donation; recipients sign a corresponding form declaring that they accept the donation. These consent forms are countersigned by a member of the medical team and are strictly confidential.


If you wish to donate your eggs please fill out the form below


Eugonia - Assisted Reproduction Unit
Konstantinou Ventiri 7(HILTON), 11528 Athens

  • Email:
  • Τel.: +30 210 723 6333
  • Fax: +30 210 721 3623

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