The OHSS is a severe complication of the ovarian stimulation. It is more usual for women with polycystic ovaries and of lower weight.
In case of a very severe type of OHSS, the team of Eugonia applies the revolutionary treatment with the GhRH antagonist administration, after the oocyte retrieval, and during the luteal phase leading to the non hospitalization of the women.
This innovative and causative treatment has replaced:
a) The absence of treatment
b) The incidental and alleviative hospital care with a simple one
As a result of this treatment is the decreased physical discomfort, the psychological and financial cost and the loss of working hours.
See also:
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS)
and our publications:
Lainas et al.2013 Hum.Reprod
Lainas et al.2012 Reprod.Biol.
Lainas et al. 2009a RBMOnline
Lainas et al. 2009b RBMOnline