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George Lainas at the 40th Annual Meeting ESHRE – Amsterdam, July 4-7, 2024

  • Speaker at two invited lectures
  • He chaired over three sessions
  • Member of two scientific working groups for development of European guidelines
  • He participated in the editorial board meeting of Human Reproduction Update, the  highest ranking  scientific journal of obstetrics and gynecology in the world.

More specifically, the lectures titles were:


Lecture 1: LH revisited - Is LH really necessary? (Is administration of LH necessary?)

  1. Lainas argued that it is necessary to administer LH during ovarian stimulation, while Professor Ying Cheong from the University of Southampton, supported the opposite opinion.


Talk 2: The ART of precise ovulation trigger

The accuracy of the decision concerning the criteria of the size of the follicles before the oocyte retrieval, as well as which is the appropriate drug to be used, have particular impact in the final result of an IVF attempt.

  1. Lainas explained to the delegates, what are the ideal criteria that will determine when the egg retrieval should be performed in order to increase the chances of pregnancy success.


The guideline groups were:


  • Ovarian stimulation guideline
  • Preconceptional care guideline

Eugonia - Assisted Reproduction Unit
Konstantinou Ventiri 7(HILTON), 11528 Athens

  • Email:
  • Τel.: +30 210 723 6333
  • Fax: +30 210 721 3623

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