

One more  international distinction from the scientific team of Eugonia. The team of Eugonia published   an origine study  with title “The association between body mass index and oocyte maturation in patient triggered with GnRh agonist who are at high risk for severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome: an observational cohort study “ with G.Lainas as first author

See the publication here :

At 14 and 15 of September, Dr. Nikolettos invited Dr. George Lainas at the Medical Department of University of Alexandroupolis, to talk to postgraduate students about two very important topics in Assisted Reproduction Treatment.

A very important distinction was made by Eugonia Assisted Reproduction Unit for the proposal submitted to the SME Instruments of the HORIZON 2020 program in Phase 1 regarding the use of AI in the evaluation of embryos, further strengthening its presence in the Hellenic Medical Area as well as Internationally.

This suggestion has been refined in all assessment categories in one of the most demanding programs where less than 5% of participants manage to distinguish themselves.

HORIZON 2020's "SME Instruments" is the largest European Research and Innovation Program available, with available funding amounting to € 80 billion, for the seven-year period 2014-2020.

Dr. George Lainas, gynecologist at Eugonia, will be the coordinator of ESHRE and specifically of the Special Interest Group "Reproductive Endocrinology" for the next two years (2019-2021).

ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology) is a global organization that defines developments in the wider field of Assisted Reproduction worldwide.

This distinction is the international recognition of Eugonia's scientific and clinical work over the last 20 years of its action, which  aims  at the benefit of every couple who trusts our team to fulfill their dream of having a child.

Four original scientific studies of Eugonia have been accepted and will be presented at the forthcoming international congress of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology - ESHRE-2016, to be held in Helsinki on 3-6 July 2016.This is the largest congress worldwide on Assisted Reproduction and as a result only studies of high impact and originality are accepted for publication. This proves that Eugonia continues to be on the cutting edge of scientific research, actively contributing to new developments.The research has been conducted in close collaboration with higher education institutes: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – Greece, Barts NHS Trust - London, University of Nottingham – UK, University of New South Wales – Australia.Our studies report clinical as well as embryological developments in the field of IVF, and the resulting knowledge will significantly help in improving patient treatment and in increasing our pregnancy rates at Eugonia. Recombinant vs. urinary human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) for triggering final oocyte maturation in patients at risk for ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome OHSS: a randomized clinical trialLainas, T. Lainas, C. Venetis, I. Sfontouris, I. Zorzovilis, G. Petsas, J. Bosdou, B. Tarlatzis, E. Kolibianakis (2016) Poster presentation Embryo development after continuous culture in two commercial single-step media: a prospective randomized study with sibling oocytesSfontouris IA, Kolibianakis EM, Lainas GT, Banti M, Venetis C, Petsas GK, Zorzovilis IZ, Lainas TG (2016). Poster presentation Elevated progesterone on the day of triggering final oocyte maturation significantly predicts its reoccurrence in a subsequent IVF cycleVenetis, E. Kolibianakis, J. Bosdou, G. Lainas, I. Sfontouris, B. Tarlatzis, T. Lainas (2016) Oral presentation GnRH agonist for triggering final oocyte maturation in patients with PCO at high risk for severe OHSS: factors predicting live birth in subsequent FRET cyclesTarlatzi, J. Bosdou, C. Venetis, G. Lainas, I. Sfontouris, A. Makedos, K. Chatzimeletiou, L. Zepiridis, A. Mitsoli, D. Savaidou, T. Lainas, B. Tarlatzis, E. Kolibianakis. (2016) Oral presentation 

The team of Eugonia published a new study suggesting that in poor responders, the use of natural cycle IVF is associated with 4 times higher probability of live birth compared with a traditional high-dose FSH antagonist protocol. This is the first study in the literature to propose that the modified natural cycle (MNC) is more beneficial in this difficult patient group since, as well as higher live birth rates, it requires minimal injections, has a significantly lower cost, is more patient friendly, and can be performed each month.Women with poor ovarian response (poor responders) have very low numbers of retrieved oocytes despite the high gonadotrophin doses employed, due to a diminished ovarian reserve (small number of resting follicles in the ovary). As a result, poor responders have lower pregnancy rates during IVF, compared to women with normal response or high response.Ovarian stimulation in these women remains a challenge for the clinician, and several studies to date have failed to agree on the optimal stimulation protocol for poor responders. Our new study proposes that MNC IVF may be the solution for these women.The study was conducted in collaboration with Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the University of New South Wales Australia, and was published in the journal Human Reproduction. Live birth rates after modified natural cycle compared with high-dose FSH stimulation using GnRH antagonists in poor respondersLainas, T. G., Sfontouris, I. A., Venetis, C. A., Lainas, G. T., Zorzovilis, I. Z., Tarlatzis, B. C., Kolibianakis, E. M.Human Reproduction, 2015. First published online: August 25, 2015See the publication here.

Eugonia - Assisted Reproduction Unit
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