
Paraovarian cysts

Paraovarian cysts

Paraovarian cysts develop in the mesosalpinx (the space between each fallopian tube and its neighbouring ovary) and they are embryonic remnants of the Wolf's and Gartner's ducts (structures equivalent to the spermatic duct in men). They constitute benign cysts and they should be differentiated from paratubal cysts.

Special attention is needed for paraovarian cysts in women of reproductive age in order to avoid any trauma in the fallopian tube, which is elongated and sometimes hard to distinguish on the surface of the cyst.

Laser laparoscopic surgery is the ideal solution for the removal of such cysts.

A: Left paraovarian cyst. The uterus, left ovary and oviduct are also visible. B,C: Removal of the cyst cortex using laser CO2. D: End of operation. All anatomical relations have been reinstated and the left oviduct remains untouched.
A: Left paraovarian cyst. The uterus, left ovary and oviduct are also visible.
B,C: Removal of the cyst cortex using laser CO2.
D: End of operation. All anatomical relations have been reinstated and the left oviduct remains untouched.

Eugonia - Assisted Reproduction Unit
Konstantinou Ventiri 7(HILTON), 11528 Athens

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