Clinical Embryologist
Marianna graduated from the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics (Democritus University of Thrace, Alexandroupolis) in 2007 and then worked for 4 years in an IVF center in Piraeus. She then moved to the UK where she completed her postgraduate studies at UCL University of London (Prenatal Genetics and Fetal Medicine, MSc) in 2012. There she worked at some of London's largest hospitals (Homerton Hospital, UCLH, Guy's & St Thomas' Hospital)while completing her training as a Clinical Embryologist with the acquisition of the ACE Certificate (Association of Clinical Embryologists), the ACS Certificate (Association of Clinical Scientists) and the securing of the title of "Clinical Embryologist" through the HCPC Registration (Health and Care Professions Council).
Her experience includes the full range of laboratory techniques as well as embryo biopsy. She is a member of ACE and ESHRE and a member of the Eugonia clinic since November 2019.